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Visual designer UI / UX websitedeveloper

About me

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Hi, My Name is Fernanda Herrera

I am a visual designer with 12 years of experience in the field of digital project development, working as UI and UX designer for websites and applications, many of these websites have been fully developed from the conceptualization phase of the design to the code development itself, usually using Html5, css3 and basic javascript or CMS like wordpress, webflow, etc. I have basic knowledge in frameworks such as vue, react, angular, python and ruby on rails, and at this moment I am learning about microintreactions and advanced web animations. As a UI/UX designer, I like to approach the design process in a structured and methodical way. Here's how I typically go about it:
  1. First, I conduct research and analysis to gather information about the project, the users, and the competition. I use this information to understand the user's needs and goals, as well as to identify pain points and opportunities.
  2. Next, I create a design strategy and plan. I define the user journey, create a sitemap, and outline the content and features of the product. This helps to ensure that my design decisions align with the overall goals of the project.
  3. Then, I move on to wireframing and prototyping. I create basic, low-fidelity sketches of the layout and functionality of the interface, called wireframes. I also create interactive mockups of the interface called prototypes, which allow for testing and iteration.
  4. Before moving on to the final design, I conduct user testing to gather feedback on the wireframes or prototypes. This helps me to identify any usability issues and make necessary adjustments.
  5. Once I'm satisfied with the design, I work with developers to implement it. I work closely with them to ensure that my design is brought to life in the best way possible.
  6. Finally, I evaluate the design's performance and make any necessary updates or improvements. I keep track of the product's performance, and I make sure to keep it up to date, accessible and user-friendly.


  • User interface design
  • User experience design
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Design Systems
  • User Research
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Usability
  • User-centered Design
  • User Journeys
  • User Experience Design (UED)
  • Wireframing
  • Mobile Interface Design
  • Collaborative Work
  • Interaction Design
  • User Flow
  • Information Architecture
  • Prototype
  • Visual Design


  • Adobe XD
  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • illustrator
  • Git
  • CMS Interaction
  • WordPress
  • After effects
  • Sketch
  • Premier
  • Miró
  • trello
  • Visual studio code

front end development

I'm a front-end developer with 10 years of experience building websites, apps. I specialize in HTML5, CSS3. My work encompasses everything from eCommerce to dashboard apps, from newsletter templates to onepage websites. My portfolio is full of customer projects that showcase my work across various industries including healthcare and education.


UX user experience

User experience design (UX) has become an important part of the overall design process. In today’s competitive environment, companies are looking at ways to improve their customer experiences. User experience design helps them achieve this goal. User experience design involves understanding the customers' needs and wants, and then designing a solution that meets those requirements. This includes the entire lifecycle of creating, testing, launching, and maintaining a product or service.


UI design

Interface design means the interaction between software components such as user agent and an application's interface. An interface is the way in which an application presents information to the user. Depending on the type of software being developed, an interface might be implemented using different techniques such as icons, text, illustrations, and checkers. Regardless of what technique is used, every application needs to have an effective method for interacting with its end users. An effective interface design makes it easier for users to understand and use an application, while hiding complex systems from sight. A product’s user-friendly interface is its main selling point.

code development  /  UI / UX Design  /  wordpress

air service

Visual design  /  web development


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el beat interactive short film

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Studio galerie berlin

UI / UX Design

Data for social good

UI / UX Design

clickclack hotel

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digital head designer

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Dila aum

web development


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Agile testing

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adidas zx

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UI / UX Design
